now if your looking for a server, but cant find one, then you should go to shadoom's server. this server contains survival, creative, pvp, paintball, spleef and more. they even have a currency (money) system, so you can buy anything you need. there are also towns to live in. there are locks for protection against griefer. there are special commands for your every need. donate and they give you and upgrade where you get new commands and abilitys.
the ip is

for more info ask in the comments

I have played minecraft for a while and then, my computer crashed. now this leaves a question, is the best game ever a virus to computers or is it because my computer is having other problems. well when I thought of this, I went into more research and came to the conclusion that minecraft is not a virus. minecraft is simply a very, very ,very buggy game. minecraft doesn't have a virus on it or a virus itself. its just the type of computer you use. if you use a type of computer that doesn't agree to the game, then it will do what-ever to try and get you to delete it. so in conclusion, minecraft is a safe game for your computer.
Who is Herobrine? some say he is a god. some say he is a demon. some say he is a mistake. well, herobrine is a virus of sorts. herobrine, in my opinion, was a corrupted steve. I think he was intended to be the main avatar, he was corrupted by a virus collected in the minecraft program. so the question remains, is he real or not. The answer is yes, herobrine is real. I have proof. when you log into minecraft, you see in one of the updates, the quotes "- removed herobrine". this means he was an existing "mob" and some how wasn't fixed for a while. this also means they have to keep on fixing the game, or they would be screwed when playing. so that leaves another question, is minecraft a virus or is it just buggy?


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

